Monday, January 18, 2021

The Distance between Simple Geometric Objects

In this entry we derive expressions for the distance between a point and a line, a point and a plane, and two lines in space. We derive the formulas using vector algebra and the concept of projection which is central to the distance concept. These are basic and well known results and we collect them here to serve as an "extra-reading" project or convenient reference. The results are derived and a few examples are provided in the paper Distance between Geometric Objects. As always, we'll appreciate hearing about any typos or other errata.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Exercises on Space Curves from " A Survey of Geometry, Vol.2" by Howard Eves

In the attached paper, Eves Space Curves Exercises , we provide solutions to the exercises presented after Chapter 14 Section 4 in "A Survey of Geometry, Volume 2" by Howard Eves. The exercises provide practice in working with the basic aspects of the Differential Geometry of Space Curves and include many interesting results in their own right. If any typos or errors are found, the author would welcome feedback.