Sunday, December 20, 2020
Exercises on Space Curves from "Differential Geometry" by K L Wardle
Bertrand Curves -- Theorems from Exercise 14.4-27 A Survey of Geometry Vol.2 Howard Eves
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Analysis of Plane Curves - Solutions to Exercises 14.1-(#2 - #40) Howard Eves "A Survey of Geometry" Vol.2
In the papers linked to below, complete solutions to the problems mentioned in the title are provided or, as in the case of two well known problems, references are provided. These problems serve as fruitful applications for classes in calculus including differential equations. No higher mathematics is required. The solutions are divided up over several papers due to the overall length. The solutions error on the side of more detail rather than less.
The main focus of these problems is the study of curves related to given curves. The short section 14.1 in Eves' book gives a very nice overview but as a good teacher he leaves the details to his readers.
There is a glossary of terms provided in the paper Part V. This glossary contains the definitions of the curves studied in these exercises. There are also appendices in some parts to provide background on selected topics that might need a little review.
The following links will cover the exercises as indicated.
1. Exercises 2,4,5,6,7 Part I - Solutions 2,4,5,6,7
2. Exercise 3 on two constructions of the center of curvature
3. Exercises 8,16,24,26,27 on curves related to equiangular spirals
4. Exercises 9,10,11,12,13,14,15 Part II - Solutions 9,10,11,12,13,14,15
5. Exercises 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25 Part III - Solutions 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,25
6. Exercises 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 Part IV - Solutions 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36
7. Exercises 37,38,39,40 Part V - Solutions 37,38,39,40
8. More details on the cycloid and its evolute
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
The Equiangular Spiral
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Analysis of the cycloid and its evolute including intrinsic equations
The cycloid is the name of the curve traced out by a point on a circle rolling along a straight line. An evolute of a given curve is the curve comprised of the centers of curvature with respect to the points on the original curve. Most first studies of curves analyze the properties of the parametric equations that define the curves. These parametric equations are defined in terms of some coordinate systems in which the curve is analyzed. To analyze the curve free of any such coordinate system, we have to describe the curve in terms of its so-called intrinsic properties only. In the case of plane curves the intrinsic equation of a curve is one that defines the arc length (one intrinsic property) as a function of the curvature (another intrinsic property). Such studies are the early explorations of differential geometry.
In the paper The Cycloid and Its Evolute a detailed discussion of the cycloid and its evolute is presented in order to make clear the steps needed to proceed from the parametric to the intrinsic equation for the cycloid and its evolute. The paper is more of an informal "classroom discussion" as it includes details and review materials that might not be included in a more formal presentation of the results obtained.
It should serve as a template to study other curves.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Two constructions for center of curvature at point on a conic [Howard Eves problems 14.1-3 (a) and (b)]
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Curvature at a Point on a Curve
Given two circles with different radii, the curvature of the smaller circle will be greater than that of the larger circle. For example, if you had two circles drawn on the ground with radii 2 feet and 20 feet, and you moved along the perimeter with a constant tangential velocity of v = 2 feet per second, you would be changing direction much faster on the smaller circle than on the larger circle. In fact, the respective angular velocities w=v/r (rate of change in direction) would be 1 radian per second versus 0.1 radian per second. That is, you would be changing direction 10 times faster around the smaller circle.
It is especially easy to define curvature in terms of a circle because the circle has constant curvature that is defined completely by the radius of the circle. In particular, we define the curvature at any point on a circle as the inverse of the radius. Thus a circle with small radius has a large curvature and a circle with large radius has a small curvature. Using k to represent curvature, we define k = 1/r as the curvature at any point on the circle of radius r.
Now what about the ellipse where the curvature varies at different points? How might we define the curvature at some chosen point P on the ellipse? We do it by considering the circle (C,R) with center C and radius R which is tangent to the ellipse at P and has the same curvature as the ellipse at P. We call (C,R) the circle of curvature at P where C and R are called the center of curvature and radius of curvature at P respectively. Thus as we move around the ellipse, (C,R) will vary in size with R being small around the narrow ends of the ellipse and larger around the flatter regions of the ellipse where the curvature is smaller (the radius of curvature being larger).
In fact, we can apply this definition to any plane curve, not just ellipses. In general, given a plane curve F defined by F={(x,y): y = f(x)}, we define the curvature of F at any point P=(p,f( p)) as the limit, as ∆p goes to zero, of the circle through P and Q=(p+∆p,f(p+∆p))that is tangent to the curve F at P. That is, the limit, as Q approaches P along F, of the circle through P and Q which is tangent to F at P.
In the paper Curvature Derivation, we have derived the formula for the center and radius of curvature of the circle of curvature at a point P of general curve F using the tools of elementary calculus. At the end of the paper there are some examples worked out and illustrated. Hopefully, the paper will provide the reader with a detailed analytical understanding of and appreciation for the concept of curvature in the plane.