Thursday, December 7, 2017

Exercise 0.9 from Dan Pedoe's Geometry A Comprehensive Course

The following problem was posed as Dan Pedoe's Exercise 0.9:

If (z-a)/(z-b) = r(cos(θ) + i sin(θ), show that the curves r = constant, and θ = constant, for fixed complex numbers a and b and varying Z, are circles of orthogonal coaxal systems, the one which has the points a and b as limiting points, and the other of circles which pass through these two points.

Since this problem occurred in an introductory chapter of the text, my expectation was that it was going to be a straightforward application of his quick review on complex numbers. It proved to be something more interesting.

In fact, establishing the part when r is constant is pretty straightforward once you recognize that the set of points whose distance to two fixed points is a constant ratio r is in fact a circle.

But the case for fixed θ proved the more interesting/complicated.

I recommend that anyone who has read this much should try to work it out before reading the solution linked below. I would love to see another approach to the solution if you find one.

For anyone who is interested, here is a link to a paper which provides what I hope will be a pretty self-contained solution intended for a reader who has studied senior high school level math. It includes a little background material for anyone who might be a little rusty.

Note: One point not explicitly mentioned in the paper is that when θ is held constant and r varies, θ presents itself as the angle between the perpendicular bisector of the segment ab and the line joining the center of the so-called θ-circle and the point a (or b). Thus the changing θ-circles can be visualized for θ in [0,π/2].

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Descartes Circle Theorem - Beecroft Configurations

This entry is an expanded exposition of the rest of the material in Chapter 1.5 of Coxeter's "Introduction to Geometry" where he uses Beecroft's observations to prove the Descartes Circle Theorem.

Given four circles Ei, i = A, B, C, D mutually tangent to each other at six distinct points of tangency, we define the bend , ei, of each circle as plus or minus the reciprocal of the corresponding radius ri, i = A, B, C, D where bend is negative if the circle surrounds the other three and positive otherwise. That is:

ei = ±1/ri i = A, B, C, D where ei < 0 if Ei surrounds the other three circles and positive otherwise. The bend of a straight line is taken as 0.

Descartes Circle Theorem: 2(Σei2) = (Σei)2

This tells us that if we have the radii of three tangent circles we can obtain the fourth using a simple quadratic in the unknown bend.

It is Coxeter's genius to mark the trail of a proof using the most concise and well thought out diagrams and text to make his exposition fully informative to one who is willing to use the guideposts to complete the trail. In this case the proof is not direct. It uses a result of an English "amateur", Philip Beecroft, who rediscovered Descartes work some 200 years later and carried it further. In particular, Beecroft observed that the quartet of circles Ei give rise to another quartet of circles Hi which are also tangent to each other at the same six distinct points and intricately related to the originals. Define Hi for i= A, B, C, D, as the circumcircle of the triangle made up of the three intersections points of its three complementary E-circles, that is, the triplet other than the Eith, and let ni be the bend of Hi. Then Hi is either the incircle or an excircle of the triangle formed by the centers of the complementary circles. In particular:

  • Case A: Suppose EB surrounds EC and ED; then HA is the B-excircle of ΔBCD. (Of course case A might have EC or ED) surrounding in which case HA would be the C-excircle or D-excircle of ΔBCD.)
  • Case B: Suppose EB, EC and ED are externally tangent; then HA is the incircle of ΔBCD
Similarly, we define HB, HC and HD. Then these H-circles are four mutually tangent circles with the same six points of tangency as the corresponding E-circles. Let ni, i = A, B, C, D be the bends of the H-circles. Here is a jump to a diagram of one such configuration.

Consider case A: We learned in the previous two blog entries that eB = -1/s, eC = 1/(s-d), eD = 1/(s-c) and nA = ±(1/rb) where s is the semiperimeter of ΔBCD with sides of length b, c, d and rb is the radius of the B-excircle. (Whether nA is positive or negative depends on the particular configuration of circles we are working with. See note CASEA.)

Now consider case B: Since EB, EC and ED are externally tangent we know that eB = 1/(s-b), eC = 1/(s-c), eD = 1/(s-d). Also we know that nA = ±(1/r) where r = radius of the incircle of ΔBCD. See note CASEB.

Recall from our previous blog entry that r2 = (s-b)(s-c)(s-d)/s and rb 2 = s(s-c)(s-d)/(s-b).

We use the identity: uv + uw + vw = (1/u + 1/v + 1/w)uvw to get eBeC + eBeD + eCeD =

  • Case A: (-s + s - d + s - c)(-1/(s)(s-d)(s-c)) = (s - c - d)(-1/(s-b)rb2) = 1 / rb2
  • Case B: (s - b + s - c + s - d)(1/(s-b)(s-c)(s-d)) = s (1/r2s) = 1/r2

Since in case A, nA2 = 1 / rb2 and in case B nA2 = 1 / r2, we have in both cases that:


eBeC + eBeD + eCeD = nA2

By symmetry between the E-circles and the H-circles, the relationship holds in the other direction:


nBnC + nBnD + nCnD = eA2

Both hold (again by symmetry in the indices) for all combinations of the subscripts. Thus

(eA + eB + eC + eD)2 = eA2 + eB2 + eC2 + eD2 + 2(eAeB + ... + eCeD) = eA2 + eB2 + eC2 + eD2 + nA2 + nB2 + nC2 + nD2


(Σei)2 = Σei2 + Σni2
and by symmetry (4)
(Σni)2 = Σei2 + Σni2

Thus (5)

(Σei)2 = (Σni)2
and since the sum of the bends of four mutually tangent circles is positive, this gives us (6)
Σei = Σni > 0

Note that

(eA + eB + eC - eD)(eA + eB + eC + eD) = (eA + eB + eC + eD)2 - eD2
= eA2 + eB2 + eC2 + 2(eAeB + eAeC + eBeC) - eD2
= eA2 + eB2 + eC2 - eD2 + 2nD2
= (nBnC + nBeD + nCeD) + (nAnC + nAeD + nCeD) + (nAnB + nAeD + nBeD) - (nAnB + nAeC + nBeC) + 2nD2
= 2(nAnD + nBeD + nCeD) - 2nD2
= 2nD(nA + nB + nC + nD)
Σei = Σni
So (7)
eA + eB + eC - eD = 2nD
This holds for all combinations of the subscripts and switching the e's and n's. Thus,
(eA + eB + eC - eD)2 = 4nD2
(eB + eC + eD - eA)2 = 4nA2
(eC + eD + eA - eB)2 = 4nB2
(eD + eA + eB - eC)2 = 4nC2
Adding all four of these equations and simplifying we get
4Σei2 = 4Σni2
So (8)
Σei2 = Σni2
Thus (9)
(Σei)2 = Σei2 + Σni2 = 2Σei2
And this establishes the Descartes Circle Theorem.

CASEA: HA is the B-excircle of ΔBCD.

  • Case A.1: Suppose EA is on the far side of line CD from B. Then HB, HC, and HD are surrounded by HA so nA = -1/rb
  • Case A.2: Suppose EA is on the same side of line CD as B. Then HB, HC, and HD are externally tangent to HA so nA = 1/rb

CASEB: HA is the incircle of ΔBCD.

  • Case B.1: Suppose EA surrounds EB, EC and ED. Then HB, HC, and HD are all externally tangent to HA so nA = 1/rb
  • Case B.2: Suppose EA is externally tangent to EB, EC, and ED. Then HA surrounds HB, HC, and HD so nA = -1/rb

An exercise from Coxeter section 1.5

Coxeter refers to the octet of E-circles and associated H-circles as a Beecroft configuration. We now consider Exercise 9. For any four numbers satisfying k + l + m + n = 0, there is a "Beecroft configuration" having bends e1 = k(k + l), e2 = l(k + l), e3 = n2 - kl, e4 = m2 - kl, n1 = l2 - mn, n2 = k2 - mn, n3 = m(m + n), n4 = n(m + n). [Hint: Express e3, e4, n1, n2 as rational functions of e1, e2, n3, n4]

Solution to Exercise 9

We have seen above that equations such as

eBeC + eBeD + eCeD = nA2

hold for all such combinations of e's and n's. Thus, we can write (identifying subscripts A, B, C, and D with 1, 2, 3, 4 and assuming the variable indices i, j, k, l are distinct elements in {1, 2, 3, 4})

ni(nj + nk) = - njnk + el2

ni = (el2 - njnk)/ (nj + nk)

By using (7) twice we see that ei + ej = nk+ nl, so we have

ni = (el2 - njnk)/ (ei + el)

Using this and the corresponding equation for ei, we get the rational functions suggested in the hint.

n1 = (e22 - n3n4)/ (e1 + e2)

n2 = (e12 - n3n4)/ (e1 + e2)

e3 = (n42 - e1e2)/ (e1 + e2)

e4 = (n32 - e1e2)/ (e1 + e2)

Since we are trying to show the configuration is possible as stated, we can assume, without loss of generality, that e1 = k(k + l), e2 = l(k + l), and n3 = m(m + n). We know k + l + m + n = 0 and e1 + e2 = n3 + n4. Therefore, k(l + k) + l(l + k) - m(m + n) = n4. That is (l + k)2 - m(m + n) = n4 and since (l + k) = -(m + n), we have (m + n)2 - m(m + n) = n4 so n(m + n) = n4. Now using the rational functions established previously we have n1 = (l2(k + l)2 - mn(m + n)2)/(l(k + l) + k(k + l)) = l2 - mn. Similarly, n2 = k2 - mn, e3 = n2 - kl, e4 = m2 - kl.

Note: Suppose (l + k) = 0. Then e1 = e2 = 0 by assignment and (m + n) = 0 because k + l + m + n = 0. Therefore, n3 = n4 = 0. In this case, E1, E2, H3 and H4 are circles with bend 0, i.e., straight lines with E1 parallel to E2 (tangent at infinity) as are H3 and H4. In this case e1 = k(k + l) = 0 = e2 = l(k + l) and n3 = m(m + n) = 0 = n4 = n(m + n). Now k = -l and m = -n mean that e3 = e4 = n1 = e2 = k2 + n2 so circles of radius 1/(k2 + n2) as half the distance between E1, E2 and H3, H4. Using the point at infinity as one of the points of tangency we get a (degenerate) configuration where E3, E4 are tangent to each other as well as E1, E2. H3 contains the intersections of E1E4, E2E4 and E1E2 (infinity), etc. Similarly H1 and H2 can be drawn. Note: if k2 + n2 = 0 then k = l = m = n = 0.

Finally, (as in Coxeter's solution) the parameterization of the problem can be obtained directly from a configuration as follows: Given e1, e2, n3, n4, set e1 = k(l + k), e2 = l(k + l), so e1 + e2 = (k + l)2, (k + l) = ±√[e1 + e2]. Then k = ±e1/√[e1 + e2] and l = ±e2/√[e1 + e2]. Similarly m = ±n3/√[e1 + e2] and n = ±n4/√[e1 + e2] where we used e1 + e2 = n3 + n4. By choosing, say, +, +, -, - we get k + l + m + n = [(e1 + e2) - (n3 + n4)]/√[e1 + e2] = 0.

The following diagram shows a Beecroft configuration with k = 5, l = 4, m = 3, and n = -12 It has values e1 = 45, e2 = 36, e3 = 124, e4 = -11, n1 = 52, n2 = 61, n3 = -27, n4 = 108. E1 has center at the (0,0) and E2 has center on the x-axis. E4 surrounds the other E-circles.

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Circles of a Triangle

Let a circle with center C and radius ρ be denoted (C,ρ). For any triangle ΔABC, we can associate five circles: the incircle (I,r), the circumcircle (O,R),and the three excircles (Ia,ra), (Ib,rb),(Ic,rc). In this blog we will define these circles and show how they are interrelated.

We follow the discussion in Coxeter 1.5 (Introduction to Geometry).

Let the sides of ΔABC have lengths AB = c, AC = b and BC = a. Denote the area of the triangle by Δ (or sometimes ΔABC). Let the semiperimeter of the triangle be defined as s = (a + b + c)/2 and let h be the altitude from B to the side AC. We will show that:

  • Δ = [s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)]1/2
  • h = [c2 - [(b2 + c2 - a2)/2b]2]1/2
  • Δ = rs = abc/4R = ra(s-a) = rb(s-b) = rc(s-c) where r and R are the radii of the incircle and the circumcircle respectively
  • r = [(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)/s]1/2 ; and ra = [s(s - b)(s - c)/(s - a)]1/2; etc which give the radii in terms of a,b,c
  • 4R = ra + rb + rc - r

Review of some basic geometric results

Two definitions:

  • In a circle (C, ρ) a central angle is an angle formed by two radii and the measure of the angle is defined to be the measure of the corresponding intercepted arc. The measure of arc is just the length of the arc measured in units of ρ. Thus the complete circumference has measure 2π (length = 2πρ). Thus a central angle whose arc is a quarter of the circle has a measure of π/2 (regardless of the value of ρ). If central angle ∠ACB has measure x then the intercepted arc AB opposite the angle has measure x as well. In practice we usually drop the phrase "the measure of" in describing the measure of an angle or arc when the meaning is clear. In this vernacular, the sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is π.
  • We also say that a line is tangent to a circle, (C,ρ), with point of tangency, P, if the line is perpendicular to the radius CP at P. We will establish a few basic results needed in our discussion.

Now the proofs of some basic results

  • An angle inscribed in a circle has a measure half that of its intercepted arc. Proof: Let ∠ABC be inscribed in circle (O,r) at point B and have measure x. (So B is on the circle.) Case I. Suppose one ray, say BC, contains the center, O. Then (the measure of) arc AC equals (the measure of) ∠AOC. Draw radius OA. Then OA = OB so ΔAOB is isosceles and ∠OAB = ∠OBA = x. ∠AOC = π - ∠AOB and ∠AOB = π - 2x. Thus ∠AOC = π - (π - 2x) = 2x. Case II. Suppose neither AB nor CB contain O and the diameter from B is outside ∠ABC. Draw the diameter containing B (and O) meeting the circle (O,r) at D. Let the measure of ∠CBD = y. Then using Case I, the measure of arc AD is 2(x+y) and the measure of arc CD is 2y, so the measure of arc AC is 2x. A similar argument holds for the case that the diameter from B is between AB and BC.
  • Note: The result above holds if AB is tangent to the circle at B. Proof: Draw the diameter BD. The measure of arc BD is π. Let the measure of ∠CBD = y and ∠ABC = x. We know AB is perpendicular to BD so (x + y) = π/2, so 2(x + y) = π. Arc BD = arc BC + arc CD. We know that arc CD has measure 2y (by argument above), so arc BC has measure π - 2y = 2x.
  • Given circle (O,r) and point A outside the circle, AF tangent at D (D between A and F), and ABC a straight line intersecting the circle first at B and then at C, the measure of ∠DAC is equal to half the difference in the measures of the intercepted arcs DC and DB. Proof: Draw chord DC. The exterior angle ∠CDF is the sum of the remote interior angles ∠DCA and ∠DAC. If x is the measure of ∠DAC, y is the measure of ∠DCA, and z is the measure of ∠CDF, then z = x + y, x = z - y = half arc DC - half arc DB. That is ∠DAC = (arc DC - arc DB)/2.

A look at the circles associated with ΔABC

  • Incircle (I,r). Given ΔABC, suppose circle (I,r) is inscribed in the triangle such that sides AB, AC, and BC are all tangent to (I,r). Let the radii to the points of tangency be ID to BC, IE to AC and IF to AB, all of length r. Triangles ΔAIE and ΔAIF are right triangles (radii perpendicular to tangents) with two sides equal (hypotenuse AI in common and IE = IF). Thus they are congruent. This means AI bisects the angle at A. Similarly, BI and CI bisects the angles at B and C. This means the angle bisectors of a triangle meet at a point I which is the center of the incircle (I,r).
  • Notice (using ΔABC = ΔAIB + ΔBIC + ΔAIC) that Δ = ar/2 + br/2 + cr/2 so Δ = rs
  • Circumcircle (O,R). Given ΔABC, suppose circle (O,R) is circumscribed about the triangle touching only at the points A, B, and C. Let B' be the midpoint of side AC.The triangles ΔOCB' and ΔOAB' are congruent by SSS (OA = OC = R). Thus ∠OB'A and ∠OB'C are right angles. The same holds for the other two sides (by symmetry) so O is the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of ΔABC and R is the distance from O to each vertex.
  • The three excircles (Ia,ra), (Ib,rb),(Ic,rc). We will discuss one excircle, (Ib,rb), the others being defined similarly. Suppose in ΔABC we extend the sides AC, AB, BC into lines and consider the bisectors of the exterior angles formed at each vertex. Let EACF be the line containg AC. Let HI, and JK be the bisectors of angles ∠EAB and ∠BCF, respectively. Let HI and JK meet at Ib. Draw perpendiculars IbU, IbV, and IbW to the lines containing AC, AB, and BC, respectively. Since the exterior angles are bisected, ΔUCIb and ΔWCIb are conguent right triangles with CIb in common. So IbW = IbU. Similarly, IbU = IbV. So the three perpendicular segments are equal in length, call it rb, so circle (Ib,rb) is tangent to the three (extended) sides of ΔABC. We call this an excircle (or the B-excircle) of ΔABC.
    • Now draw BIb intersecting AC at B'. Let AU = bx (= AV), UC = by (= CW). Looking at the diagram, using the results just established for rb, and considering the triangles ΔBIbV and ΔBIbW, we have:
    • (1/2)rbbx + (1/2)rbbx + (1/2)rbby + (1/2)rbby + Δ = (1/2)rb(c+bx) + (1/2)rb(a+by )
    • rbbx + rbby +Δ = (1/2)rb(a+b+c)
    • Δ = rbs - rbb = rb(s-b)
    • Similarly, Δ = ra(s-a) and Δ = rc(s-c)
    • Combining this with the result from the incircle, we have Δ = rs = ra(s-a) = rb(s-b) = rc(s-c).
  • Now consider the altitude BD of length h from B to AC in ΔABC. We know that Δ = bh/2. We will get an expression for h in terms of the lengths of the sides of the triangle. Let AD = x, so DC = b-x. The Pythagorean theorem gives us
    • c2 = x2 + h2 and a2 = (b-x)2 + h2.
    • Eliminating the h2 and x2 terms we get x = (b2 + c2 - a2)/2b
    • Notice that x/c = cos A = (b2 + c2 - a2)/2bc which is the Law of Cosines.
    • Then h2 = c2 - x2 = c2 - [(b2 + c2 - a2)/2b]2 which gives the altitude in terms of the lengths of the sides.
    • Δ = hb/2 = (1/4)[4b2c2 - (b2 + c2 - a2)2]1/2
    • = (1/4)[-a4 - b4 - c4 + 2a2b2 + 2a2c2 + 2b2c2]1/2
    • = (1/4)[(a + b + c)(-a + b + c)(a - b + c)(a + b - c)]1/2
    • = [s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)]1/2
    • That is Δ = √[s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)] which gives the area of a triangle in terms of the lengths of the sides.
  • Combining the results of the last two sections, r2 = Δ2/s2 = (s - a)(s - b)(s - c)/s which gives the radius of the incircle in terms of a, b, and c and (ra)2 = Δ2/(s - a)2 = s(s - b)(s - c)/(s - a), etc which gives the radii of the excircles in terms of a, b, and c.
  • Finally, in circumcircle (O,R) of ΔABC we have (from the discussions above) the central angle ∠AOC equal to twice the inscribed angle ∠ABC (or simply ∠B) and ΔAOB' congruent to ΔCOB' where B' is the midpoint of AC. Since OA = OC = R and AB' = B'C = b/2, and ∠AOB' = ∠COB' = ∠B. Thus sin B = (b/2)/R = b/2R. Thus 2R = b/sin B. Since the argument is symmetric for any side we have 2R = b/sin B = a/sin A = c/sin C, which is the Law of Sines. Now draw altitude BD, diameter BK, and chord KC. Since ∠BCK intercepts a semicircle its measure is π/2, that is, it is a right angle. Since ∠BKC and ∠BAD intercept arc AC, they are equal angles. Thus the two right triangles ΔBAD and ΔBKC are similar. So BD/BA = BC/BK, that is,
    • BD = ac/2R
    • Thus Δ = (1/2)bac/2R = abc/4R
    • But abc = s(s-b)(s-c) + s(s-c)(s-a) + s(s-a)(s-b) - (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)
    • = Δ2/(s-a) + Δ2/(s-b) + Δ2/(s-c) - Δ2/s
    • = Δ(ra + rb + rc - r)
    • Therefore 4R = ra + rb + rc - r

Drawing the circles of a triangle

In this section we will consider the triangle ΔABC where A is the point (0,0), C is the point (b,0), b > 0, and B is the point (c2,c2), C1 > 0 and C2 > 0. Let m1 = c2/c1 and m2 = c2/(c1-b). We will construct the 5 circles for this triangle. Here are links to two such diagrams: A(0,0)C(8,0)B(8,8) and A(0,0)C(10,0)B(5,5) which were constructed using the Desmos graphing tool at

  • The sides of ΔABC
    • Line AB is y = m1 x
    • Line AC is y = 0
    • Line BC is y = m2(x-b) if b ≠ c1 and x = b if b = c1
  • The exterior bisectors of ΔABC
    • Exterior bisector at ∠A is y = tan(-α)x where α = (1/2)(π - tan-1m1)
    • Exterior bisector at ∠C is y = tan(β)(x-b) where β = (1/2)[π + tan-1m2] if c1 < b, β = (1/2)[tan-1m1] if c1 > b, and β = π/4 if c1 = b.
    • Exterior bisector at ∠B is y = kx + (c2 - kc1) + (m1c1 - c2)/(cosθ - m1sinθ) where k = (m1cosθ + sinθ)/(cosθ - m1sinθ), θ = - γ and γ = (1/2)(tan-1m1 - tan-1m2) if c1 < b, γ = (1/2)(π + tan-1m1 - tan-1m2) if c1 > b, and γ = (1/2)(π + tan-1m1 ) if c1 = b.
    • Note: To get the angle γ we just analyze the three cases at B. Then, to get the equation of the bisector at B we rotate the line through AB around the point B by the angle θ = - γ. Thus we apply the general result that if the line y = mx (recall A is taken to be the origin so the y-intercept of line AB is zero) containing the point P = (p,q) is rotated by the angle θ about P, then the equation of the rotated line is y = kx + (q - kp) + (mp - q)/(cosθ - msinθ) where k = (mcosθ + sinθ)/(cosθ - msinθ). The details of this are as follows:
      • y= mx, P = (p,q) is a point on the line and we want the equation of the line obtained by rotating the line by θ around P
      • Translate P to the origin: X = x - p, Y = y - q. Thus x = X + p, y = Y + q. The new line is Y + q = m(X + p), so Y = mX + (mp - q)
      • Rotate by θ about the origin: X = cosθX' + sinθY' and Y = -sinθX' + cosθY' so we get Y' = kX' + (mp-q)/(cosθ - msinθ) where k = (mcosθ + sinθ)/(cosθ - msinθ).
      • Now translate back to P: X'' = X' + p, Y'' = Y' + q. Thus X' = X'' - p and Y' = Y'' - q. We substitute again to get Y'' = kX'' + (q - kp) + (mp-q)/(cosθ - msinθ)
      • Note: the denominator of k is not zero because that would imply the bisector was vertical which cannot happen the way we have defined ΔABC
  • The Centers of the excircles [Let c3 = (c2 - kc1) + (m1c1 - c2)/(cosθ - m1sinθ)]
    • Ib = (x1,y1) is the intersection of bisectors at A and C: -tanα x = tanβ x - btanβ so x1 = btanβ/(tanα + tanβ), y1 = -tanα x1
    • Ic = (x2,y2) is the intersection of bisectors at A and B: -tanα x = kx + c3; so x2 = -c3/(k + tanα), y2 = -tanα x2
    • Ia = (x3,y3) is the intersection of bisectors at B and C: tanβ(x - b) = kx + c3 so x3 = (c3 + btanβ)/(tanβ - k), y3 = tanβ(x3 - b)
  • The radii of the excircles
    In our setup line AC is the x-axis (y=0) and since all excircles are tangent to AC the radii can be obtained as |yi| from the centers (xi,yi). Thus (Ia,ra) = ((x3,y3), |y3|), (Ic,rc) = ((x2,y2), |y2|), (Ib,rb) = ((x1,y1), |y1|)
  • Note: In general the distance from the line y = mx + b to the point (p,q) is given by d = |mp - q + b|/[1 + m2]1/2 unless the line is vertical, x = b, in which case d = |p-b|. The formula is obtained by finding the intersection point Q of y = mx + b and the line perpendicular to this through P, y - q = -(x - p)/m, and then finding the distance between P and Q. This could be used to find the radii to the other (extended) sides of the triangle.
  • The Incircle (I, r)
    We need to get the intersection of two (interior) angle bisectors. Let a1 = (1/2)tan-1m1, so y = tan(a1)x is the bisector at A. Let a2 = (1/2)tan-1(m2) if C1 < b, a2 = (1/2)(π - tan-1(m2)) if C1 > b, and a2 = -π/4 if c1 = b. Then y = tan(a2)(x-b) is the bisector at C. Then tan(a1)x = tan(a2)(x-b) gives x0 = btana2/(tana2 - tana1), y0 = x0tana1, and r0 = |y0|. (I,r) = ( (x0, y0), r0).
  • The Circumcircle (O, R)
    We need to get the intersection of two perpendicular bisectors. The perpendicular bisector of AB is y - c2/2 = -(x - c1/2)/m1 which intersects perpendicular bisector of AC at x = b/2. Thus we take x4 = b/2, y4 = c2/2 -(b/2 - c1/2)/m1, and r4 = [x42 + y42]1/2. (O, R) = ( (x4, y4), r4).

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Mutually Tangent Circles

This article will examine circles that are mutually tangent to each other with distinct points of tangency. We build up from two, to three, then to four mutually tangent circles. This will prepare the way for the next article on Descartes' Circle Theorem.

Let R denote the set of real numbers, R+ the non-negative real numbers, RxR = R2 = {X=(x,y): x∈ R,y ∈R} the real plane. That is R2 is the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers.

A relation in R2 is any subset of R2. Thus a line, {X:y=ax+b}, and a circle, {X: XA=r}, are relations in R2, the latter having radius r and center A.

Two circles are tangent to each other (mutually tangent) if the relations defining them have exactly one point in common.

Two Tangent Circles

Given circle EA = {X:XA = rA}, find circle EC = {X:XC = rC} tangent to EA. There are two cases. Case A: EA surrounds EC ; Case B: EA and EC are externally tangent to each other.

  • Case A: Let C ∈ {X: XA < rA}, i.e. C is in the interior of EA. Then EC = {X: XC = rA-AC} is tangent to EA. Proof: First we show they have a point in common. Let the radial segment from A through C hit EA at P. Then P ∈ EA and rA =AP=AC+CP. So CP=rA-AC and P ∈ EC. Now we show P is unique. Suppose there is another point Q ≠ P such that Q ∈ EA and EC. Then AQP form a triangle. AQ = rA and CQ = rA - AC. Thus CQ = AQ-AC. But in triangle ΔACQ we must have CQ + AC > AQ. Thus there is no such Q. That is P is the unique intersection of the two circles. Note: In particular, the line joining the centers A and C includes the point of tangency, P.
  • Case B: Let C ∈ {X: XA > rA}, i.e. C is in the exterior of EA. Then EC = {X: XC = AC-rA} is tangent to EA. Proof: Similar to case A. Draw the segment AC and let it intersect EA at P. Then PC=AC-rA, so P is also in EA. Again suppose there is another point Q ≠ P such that Q ∈ EA and EC. If Q is collinear with A,P, and C then QC = rA + AC so Q ∉ EC. In ΔAQC, AQ + QC > AC so QC > AC - AQ = AC - rA, so Q ∉ EC. Thus P is the unique point of intersection of the two circles so they are mutually tangent.

Three Mutually Tangent Circles with Three Distinct Points of Tangency

For each of the cases of two tangent circles we now look at how to include a third circle which is mutually tangent to the two at three distinct points of tangency. In Case A, in order for the points of tangency to be distinct, the new circle EB must be surrounded by EA. In Case B, EB might surround EA and EC or it might be externally tangent, to both of them.

  • Case A: We can find the third tangent circle in two ways. Case A1: Choose any point B ∈ {X:XA < rA} ∩ {X:XC > rC} as the center of EB and then find rB. Case A2: Choose any 0 < rB < rA-rC, the range of possible radius measurements for circles with centers inside EA and outside EC, and then find the center B.
  • Case B: We have two cases and each can be done in two ways (as with Case A). Case B1: EB surrounds EA and EC. Case B2: EA, EB, and EC are externally tangent to one another. We divide these into four cases. Case B11: Choose B in the exterior of both EA and EC then find rB. Case B12: Choose a radius 0 < rB and find a center B. Case B21: Choose B in the exterior of both EA and EC then find rB. Case B22: Choose a radius 0 < rB and find a center B.

First we examine cases A1, B11, and B21 where we are given A, rA, C, rC and B and we need to find rB. Note, we will also get expressions for rA and rC which will be useful throughout. In each case we consider ΔABC with sides of length a=BC, b=AC, and c=AB and semi-perimeter s = (a + b + c)/2.

  • Case B11: We can write rB = c + rA = a + rC and b = rA + rC. Thus a+ B + c = 2s = 2rB. Thus
    • rB = s
    • rA = s-c
    • rC = s-a.
  • Case B21: Using the fact that the segment joining the centers of two tangent circles includes the point of tangency (from the analysis of two tangent circles), we have a = rB + rC, b = rA + rC, and c = rA + rB. Thus (a + b + c) = 2s = 2(rA + rB + rC). Therefore,
    • rB = s - (rA + rC) = s-b
    • rA = s-a
    • rC = s-c.
  • Here is a picture of the two constructions using A(0,0), C(3,0) and B(1,1). The black trio is case B11 and the orange trio is case B21.
  • Case A1: Choose B in the interior of EA and the exterior of EC. From Case B11 above we know that rB = s-c.

Next we will look at the cases A2, B21, and B22 where we are given A, rA, C, rC and rB and we need to find B. In each case we will set up a system of two quadratic equations parameterized with a linear function of rB which we can solve for B.

  • Case A2: B must satisfy BA = rA - rB and BC = rB + rC. Notice that EB is at its maximum radius when B is collinear with A and C. In this case 2rB + 2rC = 2rA. Thus the maximum value for rB is rA - rC.
  • Case B12: EB surrounds. B must satisfy BA = rA - rB and BC = rB - rC.
  • Case B22: EA, EB, EC externally tangent. B must satisfy BA = rA + rB and BC = rB + rC.

Since A and C are arbitrary, we assume A is the origin of a rectilinear coordinate system, so A = (0,0). Also without loss of generality we can take C = (b,0) so that AC = b in ΔABC. Then our system, in general, becomes

  • x2 + y2 = ƒ12(rB)
  • (x-b)2 + y2 = ƒ22(rB)

Solve in terms of parameter rB by subtracting the second equation from the first to get 2bx - b2 = ƒ12 - ƒ22 or,

x = (b2 + ƒ12 - ƒ22)/2b and y = ±√[ƒ12 - x2]. We get the solutions for our three cases by specifying b, ƒ1 and ƒ1for each.

  • Case A2: b = (rA - rC); ƒ1(rB) = rA - rB; ƒ2(rB) = rC + rB, 0 < rB < rA - rC.
  • Case B12: b = (rA - rC); ƒ1(rB) = rA - rB; ƒ2(rB) = rB - rC.
  • Case B22: b = (rA - rC); ƒ1(rB) = rA + rB; ƒ2(rB) = rC + rB.

In each case we get two solutions for B, one above the line through A and C and one below. We must have rA ≠ rB to get a solution for B.

Four Mutually Tangent Circles with Six Distinct Points of Tangency

From the last section, we have two distinct cases of three mutually tangent circles with distinct points of tangency to extend to a fourth circle. Case A: One of the three surrounds the other two. Case B: the three circles are externally tangent to each other. In these cases, to add a 4th tangent circle, we will get systems of three quadratic equations in three unknowns, the coordinates of the center D and the radius d of the fourth tangent circle ED. As in the case of three circles, the difference in the systems are the linear functions of d in those systems. We will call A = (0,0), C(b1,0), and B(c1,c2). The sides of ΔABC are then a = √[(c1-b1)2 + c22], b = b1, and c = √[c12 + c22]. Again let s = (a + b + c)/2.

  • Case A:

    In this case EA surrounds the other three circles and there are two placements for ED; one on the same side of the line through B and C as A and one on the far side of this line from A.

    • AD = ƒ1(d) = rA - d
    • BD = ƒ2(d) = rB + d
    • CD = ƒ3(d) = rC + d
  • Case B:

    In the case that ED surrounds EA, EB, and EC, then AD = ƒ1(d) = d - rA; BD = ƒ2(d) = d - rB; CD = ƒ3(d) = d - rC, where d is the radius of ED. In particular, AD = ƒ1(d) = | d - rA|; BD = ƒ2(d) = | d - rB|; CD = ƒ3(d) = | d - rC| > 0, where d is greater than rA, rB, and rC and d is the radius of ED.

    In the case that ED is externally tangent to EA, EB, and EC, then AD = ƒ1(d) = rA + d; BD = ƒ2(d) = rB + d; CD = ƒ3(d) = rC + d, where d is the radius of ED. We can rewrite these equations as AD = ƒ1(d) = rA - (-d); BD = ƒ2(d) = rB - (-d); CD = ƒ3(d) = rC - (-d) and again as AD = ƒ1(d) = |(-d) - rA|; BD = ƒ2(d) = |(-d) - rB|; CD = ƒ3(d) = |(-d) - rC|, where (-d) < 0.

    Thus in general we have:

    • AD = ƒ1(d) = | d - rA|
    • BD = ƒ2(d) = | d - rB|
    • CD = ƒ3(d) = | d - rC|

    where this d ∈ R-{0}. We will see below that in solving for d we get a quadratic in d which yields solutions D1, D2 such that if Di < 0 then | Di| is the radius of an externally tangent ED and if Di > 0 then Di is the radius for ED that surrounds the other three circles.

Now consider the general solution (for both cases A and B) involving the general ƒ1(d), ƒ2(d), ƒ3(d), and then look at the differences when the actual values of these functions are inserted. For ease of notation we will use f = ƒ1, g = ƒ2, h = ƒ3(d). The general problem is to solve the system:

  • EA(d): x2 + y2 = f2(d)
  • EB(d): (x-c1)2 + (y-c2)2 = g2(d)
  • EC(d): (x-b1)2 + y2 = h2(d)

We solve the system in three steps.

  • Find the line of intersection for EA(d) and EC(d), LAC(d), as a function of d.
  • Find the line of intersection for EA(d) and EB(d), LAB(d), as a function of d.
  • Find the points where the lines of intersection intersect our circles of interest, say EA(d).
  • The lines of intersection represent the points where the distances to EA(d) and EC(d) or EA(d) and EB(d) are the same for a given d. We want to find d where all three distances are the same for a given d. That is, we want to find the value(s) of d where the lines LAC(d) and LAB(d) intersect. These will give us center points for ED with radius d.

Find LAC(d):

  • x2 + y2 - f2(d) = (x-b1)2 + y2 - h2(d)
  • x = (b12 + f2 - h2) / 2b1

Find LAB(d):

  • x2 + y2 - f2(d) = (x-c1)2 + (y-c2)2 - h2(d)
  • 2c1x + 2c2y = c12 + c22 + f2 - g2 = c2 + f2 - g2.
  • Letting u = (c2 + f2 - g2) / 2c2, we have y = (-c1/c2)x + u.

Find the intersections with EA(d).

  • LAC(d) meets EA(d) at x1(d) = (b12 + f2 - h2) / 2b1 and y1(d) = ±√[f2 - x12(d)].
  • LAB(d) meets EA(d) when x2 + ((-c1/c2)x + u)2 = f2.
  • This leads to the quadratic equation (c/c2)2x2 - (2c1u/c2)x + u2 -f2 = 0
  • Use the quadratic formula to get two solutions for x:
  • x2(d) = (c1c2u + c2√[(cf)2 - (d1u)2]) / c2
  • x3(d) = (c1c2u - c2√[(cf)2 - (d1u)2]) / c2
  • and the corresponding y terms y2(d) = (-c1/c2)x2 + u and y3(d) = (-c1/c2)x3 + u

To find point(s) where all three equations of the system are satisfied we have to find a value(s) for d such that x1(d) = x2(d) or x1(d) = x3(d). That is where

  • (b12 + f2 - h2) / 2b1 = (c1c2u ± c2√[(cf)2 - (d1u)2]) / c2
  • We isolate the radical, square both sides, substitute for u, and then collect terms with common differences of squares of functions f, g, and h to get:
  • (f2 - h2)2[c/b1]2 + (f2 - g2)2 - (f2 - h2)(f2 - g2)[2c1/b1] + (f2 - h2)[2c2(1-c1/b1)] + (f2 - g2)[2(c2 - c1b1)] - 4c22f2 + c2[b12 + c2 - 2c1b1] = 0

Notice that f, g, and h only show up as squares so the absolute value does not come into play when we make the substitutions. By using the values from the beginning of this section we can compute:

  • Case A: f2 - g2 = w(2d-c) and f2 - h2 = v(2d-b) where w = -(a + b) and v = -(a + c). Also, f2 = (s-d)2.
  • Case B: f2 - g2 = w(2d-c) and f2 - h2 = v(2d-b) where w = (a - b) and v = (a - c). Also, f2 = (d-(s-a))2.

We substitute these values into the equation in the last paragraph and collect terms with the same degree of d to get a quadratic in d: αd2 + βd + κ = 0, where the coefficients for each case are as follows. Recall, b = b1.

  • Case A: w = -(a + b) and v = -(a + c)
    • α = 4[(cv/b)2 - 2c1vw/b + w2 - c22]
    • β = 4[-(cv)2/b + c1vw(b+c)/b - cw2 + vc2(1-c1/b) + w(c2 - bc1) + 2sc22]
    • κ = (cv)2 - 2c1cvw + (cw)2 - 2bvc2(1-c1/b) - 2cw(c2 - bc1) - 4s2c22 + c2[b2 + c2 - 2c1b]
  • Case B: w = (a - b) and v = (a - c)
    • α = 4[(cv/b)2 - 2c1vw/b + w2 - c22]
    • β = 4[-(cv)2/b + c1vw(b+c)/b - cw2 + vc2(1-c1/b) + w(c2 - bc1) + 2(s-a)c22]
    • κ = (cv)2 - 2c1cvw + (cw)2 - 2bvc2(1-c1/b) - 2cw(c2 - bc1) - 4(s-a)2c22 + c2[b2 + c2 - 2c1b]

Notice that besides the values for v and w, the only difference in these cases is the term "s" in Case A is replaced by "s-a" in case B in the β and κ terms. We solve for d = (-β ±√[β2 - 4ακ])/2α. Let D1 be the root with positive radical and let D2 be the root with the negative radical. We interpret the roots as follows.

  • Case A: In this case the roots are positive and each gives the radius of one of the two possible 4th tangent circles.
  • Case B: If a root is negative, its absolute value is the radius of an externally tangent fourth circle. If a root is positive it is the radius of fourth tangent circle that surrounds the original three.
  • In either case, for i = 1, 2 and j = 2, 3: If x1(Di) = xj(Di) then (x - xj(Di))2 + (y - yj(Di))2 = (Di)2 is a fourth tangent circle to the original three.


Examples of four mutually tangent circles

The final part of this article is to show some examples of four tangent circles for different values of b1, c1, and c2. Given the ΔABC we can have the three mutually tangent circles EA, EB, EC with either radii s, s-c, s-b (EA surrounds, case A) or s-a, s-b, s-c (externally tangent, Case B) respectively. We will label our examples below with the notation: [Case,0,0,c1,c2,b1,0] with Case = A or B followed by coordinates of centers A, B, C. For example B,0,0,1,1,1,0 means we are looking at three mutually tangent circles with centers at A(0,0), B(1,1) and C(1,0). In these examples we have included the lines of intersection LAB(d) and LAC(d) for each of the values d = D1 and d = D2. Also, we use the subscript notation D1iji on the D-radii to mean the radius obtained when x1(Di) = xj(Di) for i = 1,2; j = 2,3. The values are given to two decimal places only. Note: Case A 4th tangent circles are shaded purple and Case B circles are shaded red.

  • A,0,0,1,1,1,0

    D1222 = 0.14 D(1.37,0.77)
    D1131 = 0.71 D(0,1)

  • B,0,0,1,1,1,0

    D1232 = 1.71 D(0,1)
    D1121 = -0.08 D(0.74,0.26)

  • Notice the dramatic difference with the large surrounding circle at C(2.8,0) and the externally tangent circle at C(2.9,0)

    D1222 = 479.71 D(111.57,-465.45)
    D1121 = -0.11 D(1.05,0.55)

  • B,0,0,1,1,2.9,0

    D1232 = -24.00 D(-4.98,24.59)
    D1121 = -0.11 D(1.06,0.56)

  • A,0,0,1,1,,4.3,0

    D1222 = 0.21 D(4.34,0.49)
    D1121 = 0.38 D(4.15,-0.65)

  • B,0,0,1,1,,4.3,0

    D1232 = -2.03 D(0.17,3.16)
    D1121 = -0.11 D(1.08,0.62)

Monday, April 3, 2017

Lebesgue Integral - Homework Problem 3 April 1975 APM404

This was a favorite homework problem I kept around for a long time in a folder so I thought I'd include it here for posterity.

Let (X,M,μ) = ([a,b], Lebesgue sets, Lebesgue measure) and α(x) = x ∀ x ∈[a,b]. Show that (i) ƒ is μ measurable if and only if ƒ ∈ H2α and (ii) if ∫ ƒ dμ < ∞ ( or ∫ ƒ dα < ∞) then ∫ ƒ dμ = ∫ ƒ dα

1. Let ƒ ∈ H2α. Then there exist continuous (and therefore μ measurable) functions ƒn which converge to ƒ ae (almost everywhere). Since μ was obtained from an outer measure, (X,M,μ) is a complete space and ƒ is μ measurable.[(i)

2. Assume E ⊂ [a,b], E ∈ M. Then there exists a measurable set C = ∪n=1,∞ Cn, where the Cn are closed, C ⊂ E and μ(E ∩ C) = 0.

  • Let Bm = ∪n=1,m Cn. Then Bm is closed (a finite union of closed sets) and ∪m=1,∞ Bm = C
  • Thus the characteristic function XBm ∈ H2α (since Bm complement - Bm - is open; a result established on APM403 exam) and XBm = Xn=1,m Cn ≥ Xn=1,m-1 Cn = XBm-1
  • Also, |XBm| ≤ X[a,b] ∈ L1 and ∫ XBm dα < ∫ X[a,b] dα = b-a and XBm ↑ XE ae, since μ(E ∩ C) = μ(E ∩ (∪m=1,∞ Bm )) = 0 so by the Lebesgue Dominated Convergence Theorem, XE ∈ L1
  • Finally, μ(E) ≡ ∫ XEμ(dx) = ∫ XE dx ≡ α(E) by our choice of μ and α. Thus, if E ∈ M, E ⊂ [a,b] is compact, then μ(E) = α(E) ≤ b-a.

3. Let ƒ be simple, say ƒ(x) = ∑i=1,n αiXEi(x) where Ei ∩ Ej = ∅ for i ≠ j and [a,b] ⊃ Ei ∈ M, ∀i.

  • Since H2α is a vector space, ƒ ∈ H2α and
    ∫ ƒ dμ = ∑i=1,n αiμ(Ei) = ∑i=1,n αiα(Ei) = ∫ ƒ dα
  • The integrals make sense since ∀i, αi < ∞ and μ(Ei) = α(Ei) ≤ b-a.

4. Let ƒ be bounded and measurable (non-negative), say ƒ ≤ N, ∀ x ∈ [a,b]. There exist simple functions φn ↑ ƒ ae (φn ∈ H2α, ∀ n by (3) above) and

  • ∫ φn dα = ∫ φn dμ ≤ ∫ ƒ dμ ≤ N(b-a)
  • so φn ∈ L1, φn ↑ ƒ ae, |φn| ≤ N, ∫a,bN dx < ∞ implies f ∈ L1 and ∫ φn converge to ∫ ƒ
  • Also, by the Monotone Convergence Theorem, ∫ φn dμ → ∫ ƒ dμ
  • Therefore, ∫ ƒ dα = lim ∫ φn dα = lim ∫ φn dμ = ∫ ƒ dμ

5. Let ƒ be measurable, non-negative and consider gN = ƒ ∧ N as N → ∞

  • gN ∈ H2α (by (4)) and gN ↑ ƒ and ∫ gN dα = ∫ gN dμ ≤ ∫ ƒ dμ
  • If ∫ ƒ dμ < ∞, then ƒ ∈ H2α and ∫ ƒ dμ = lim ∫ gN dμ = lim ∫ gN dα = ∫ ƒ dα

6. Let ƒ be measurable (μ). ∫ ƒ dμ exists if and only if ∫ ƒ+ dμ < ∞ and ∫ ƒ- dμ < ∞

  • From (5), ∫ ƒ+ dμ < ∞ and ∫ ƒ- dμ < ∞ so ƒ+ and ƒ- are in H2α and
  • ∫ ƒ dμ = ∫ ƒ+ dμ - ∫ ƒ- dμ = ∫ ƒ+ dα - ∫ ƒ- dα = ∫ ƒ dα

Thus, ƒ ∈ H2α implies ƒ is measurable (μ) and if ƒ is μ-integrable then ƒ ∈ L1α and ∫ ƒ dμ = ∫ ƒ dx.

Corollary: Let ƒ ∈ H2α and c ∈ R*. If E = {x ∈ [a,b]: ƒ(x) > c} then XE ∈ H2α.

  1. If c = ∞ then E = ∅ and X = 0 ∈ H2α
  2. If c = -∞ then E = [a,b] so XE ∈ H2α [XE = | 1 - XE| ∈ H2α ]
  3. Assume c ∈ R. ƒ ∈ H2α ⇒ ƒ is μ-measurable (Lebesgue) ⇔ E is μ-measurable (Lebesgue) and by step (2) of the problem, XE ∈ H2α